Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bye bye Maxie & Collette :(

As in life, all good things must come to an end. Maxie and Collette are leaving us all alone in Africa. Oh the humanity.

We spent the last few days at Camp Carnelley's (check out the website, it's pretty awesome) right on Lake Naivasha only about an hour outside Nairobi.

It’s an amazing campsite run by Chrissy & Lovat Carnelley who are sound out. Chrissy (originally Chrissy Carney) is actually from Rathfarnham Park in Dublin and knows Collette’s niece Sarah really well. Small world, hey? Camp Carnelleys... great bar, great food, and great people. Oh, and loads of monkies too. The monkey on the left lived in the trees above our tents. If you're going to take a picture of one, it's not advisable to stand directly underneath them. They poop a lot!

Here’s us with Chrissy & Lovat outside the bar…

Chrissy, Lovat, Janer, Maxie, Collette, Podge and Me

On our first day there we went out on the lake in a boat looking for hippos and flamingos.

Hippos everywhere, you gotta hold on tight…

The guy driving the boat was great, brought us through the weeds to see the birds…

…then when we were beside the hippos he started revving the engine and a massive one started coming towards us looking a bit pissed off, as you'd expect.

That night, myself and Podge got absolutely rat arsed in the bar and decided to go hippo hunting at about 2 am. There’s a one-foot deep ditch at the end of the campsite to stop the hippos coming across. I know, one foot, but they’ve got little legs. Anyway, we went right down to the edge of the water and shone the torch into it. Right in front of us was a massive hippo, all we could see were his eyes. He jumped up and let an almighty roar and sent the two of us sprinting back over the ditch. After another little excursion down to the water’s edge and another roar, we called it a night and fell asleep on the grass by the ditch.

The next day we went into the Hell’s Gate national park and saw some more animals, nothing major to report. Saw some baboons and a blue-balled monkey…

In case you didn’t make it out, here’s a close up. They’re the strangest colour ever…

The day before we left Naivasha, we went to another Lake (can’t remember the name) and looked for flamingos. We only found a few, but had a great time there…

Collette & Maxie

We had a great last night in Camp Carnelleys with Chrissy & Lovat, very very memorable mini safari ;). For further details, ask me in person. All I can say is, God bless John Jameson for its wonderfully spectacular magical tastiness! However, it makes you do crazy crazy things. Here's where it all started, what a place...

Hopefully, when Chrissy & Lovat come over to Ireland next, we’ll all meet up and go absolutely bananas!

Anyway, goodbye to Maxie & Collette who’re heading back to Ireland. It's been so great to have you guys over here for the few weeks. We’ll really really miss you :(.

Hakuna matata Kenya, onwards to Tanzania and beyond!!!

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